Featuring You On This Blog

You have been direct to this page because I would like to do a feature on you and your night photography. I feature some of the best night photographers in the world in my "Into the Night Photography" blog. Here's an example. If you are interested, please answer the following questions, to help me write about you.

(Note: Take your time. You do not have to complete this immediately. I have several articles in the queue. However, I would appreciate completion within the next 30 days, and a quick note letting me know if you are interested.) When you respond, please use this Subject Title: "Featured Photographer for ITNP Blog - Your Name".

Questions To Photographers Being Featured On My Blog:

1. How would you describe your style of night photography?

2. How did you get started, or what prompted you to try this type of photography?

3. Why do you like to do night photography (e.g., what brings you the most satisfaction)?

4. What are your biggest challenges to doing your style of night photography?

5. What is your most valuable or favorite piece of photography equipment for doing night photography (choosing several is okay)?

6. What tools, apps, or software do you find valuable in your night work?

7. Point me to 5 or 6 of your favorite night images (these can also include time lapse videos), and tell me why they are significant to you. EXIF information is also helpful, if you are willing to share this. (Note: you can email me attached files, or give me the URL's to another website where you would these images featured. If you send me attached files, please keep them between 900 and 1600 pixels on the longest side. You may watermark these images with your name and copyright. I typically show a 400 to 600 pixels image on this blog and redirect the viewer to a larger version on your website.)

8. Please include a portrait of yourself (formal or on-location candid). You may attach the image, or include a link.

9. A short bio about you and where you live (your exact location is not necessary, if you'd like to keep that private).

Thanks for your help in highlighting your work. I can give you up to two (2) links in this feature article. Please give me the URL's and any hyper-text words or description you'd like to use for those links.

You may send this directly to my email address: royce.bair [AT] gmail [DOT] com
(Please replace the [AT] with the "@" symbol, and the [DOT] with the "." character —and don't forget the dot between my first and last name. Displaying my email address in this manner helps prevent spam.)

Once I receive this information, I will acknowledge and give you an approximate publish date. When I publish the feature, I will immediately send you the URL so that you may notify me if there are any errors to correct. — Royce Bair

Bit.ly link to this page: http://bit.ly/18wLO8Z

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